About Dr. Khuloud Al-Jamal
- Khuloud Al-Jamal is a Chair of Drug Delivery & Nanomedicine and Head of Medicines Developments at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, King’s College London. She has developed an extensive experience in designing and developing novel nanoscale delivery systems including dendrimers, liposomes, quantum Dots, polymers, viral vectors, chemically functionalised carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide. Her current work involves pre-clinical translation nanomedicines with special
interests in brain diseases and cancer. She received several awards including the Maplethrope Research and Teaching Award, BBSRC New Investigator Award, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Science Award, the Controlled Release Society Nanomedicine and Nanoscale Delivery Focus Group Young Investigator Award and Wellcome Trust Image Awards. She is a management board member and is on the steering committee of the London Centre of Nanotechnology and the Children Brain Tumour Drug Delivery Consortium. She is on the Editorial Board of Biomaterials Science (RSC), Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher) and Journal of Drug Targeting. She is the module leader for the MPharm 4 project and is the study abroad coordinator for Pharmacy. She contributes to teaching of Physical Pharmaceutics and Emerging Therapeutics and Modern Medicine modules and MSc teaching. She is a member of the General of Pharmaceutical Council.